澳門足球代表隊為備戰2026世界盃足球外圍賽,將於本年9月6日於奧林匹克體育中心運動場舉辦國際足球友誼賽,時間為晚上19:30由澳門對不丹,賽事門票將於9月3至4日 (周日到周一)免費派發,派完即止。
An international A football friendly match: Macau and Bhutan will be play at the Olympic Sports Center Stadium on September 6 in order for Macau National Team preparing for the 2026 World Cup qualifiers. The Kick off time is 19:30 and tickets will be available from Sep 3 to 4( Sunday to Monday) free distribution, available while stocks last.
國際足球友誼賽,澳門對不丹門票將於9月3日至4日 (周日起)於下列時間及地點派發,每人每次最多可以領取4張門票,門票不設劃位,派完即止。比賽當日還設有抽獎環節,屆時將有由球員簽名T恤和比賽球衣禮品供現場市民或球迷抽獎。
Tickets for the Match will be distributed at the following times and locations starting from Sep 3 to 4 ( Sun to Mon) . Each person can receive up to 4 tickets at a time. Tickets are not allocated and are subject to availability. There will also be a lottery draw on the day of the game, where there will be T-shirts signed by players and team jersey for the citizens or fans on site.
辦公時間 Office hours:
03-09-2023 星期日 Sun 14:00 - 18:00
04-09-2023 星期一 Mon 10:00 - 18:00
地址 address:氹仔奧林匹克體育中心 Ave. Olimpica, Taipa Olympic Sports Centre - Stadium (Room GS 10-11)
如欲查詢更多資料,可瀏覽澳門足球總會網頁,關注“澳門足球總會Facebook專頁、或致電2883 0287查詢。
For more information, you can visit the Macau Football Association’s website at, follow the “Macau Football Association’s Facebook page, or call 2883 0287 for enquiries.